Friday, November 19, 2010

Getting Into the Consumer's Brain

Society has rigorously worked on getting into people's mind and thoughts. Each person's brain functions uniquely, but still exhibits same actions. 

As a marketer, understanding how a consumer's mind thinks is probably like finding gold. Yes, a consumer may express what he or she may want/need, but who knows if that though would truly drive consumer to the purchase point.....

Neuromarketing has possibly become the answer for marketers, business owners, etc. It's a way to finally understand consumers.Neuromarketing is simply the the study of certain stimuli in the human body and their reaction to elements of design in advertising (i.e.: ads, commercials, etc.). This type of study, in return will allow business owners and marketers have a accurate target market.


  1. I like how you compared knowing wha tthe consumer is thinking to Gold!!! I would say its more like fiding a rare diamond worth trillions of dollars because with this technology the marketing world will be unstoppable.

  2. It's true that this new neuromarketing technology is like finding gold for a marketer. Its making marketing jobs for agency much easier. I wonder if this will decrease employment in the future and also ceativity since much is not needed to stick someone onto a machine and see their reactions.

  3. There is no way a marketer will know for sure if a consumer will actually buy the product or not, as you said. I totally agree with you on that. And I love how you compared gold with finding what the consumer is thinking. Great posting!

  4. I definitely agree that understanding how a consumer's mind works is like finding gold. This will make marketing much easier and companies will no longer waste money on unsuccessful advertisement once nueromarketing is developed further.
